Monday, July 20, 2009

24. The Cat Had "Kuru"

"What a load of rubbish," the 3rd year Veterinary Student commented when I described a case where the male neutered cat had no penis visible at all times. "Yet he could pee but how did he do it? Could this cat be suffering from a case of "Kuru?".

What is "Kuru?" the young man asked as his mum laughed when I told her about this case. It is funny when I described the case but I don't know how to translate the humour in this report.

"It is a Malay word for a human medical condition in which the penis disappears inside the body after eating pork," I speculated. "Suddenly the affected man loses his manhood!"

The student rolled his eyes upwards and said: "The cat's penile retractor muscles pulls the penis inside the prepuce, just as in the horse. When the retractor muscles relax, the penis will be visible." He did not say so, but he could not imagine a man having his manhood disappeared completely inside his body.

"It is hard to believe me," I said. "But 'Kuru' was reported in the Singapore newspapers when I was around 15 years old. My mum mentioned this report to me."

Although 4 decades had passed, I could vividly recall the name of "Kuru" as it struck adversely affecting manhood. At 15 years of age, I was impressionable and I was male. I could not remember whether I stopped eating pork when "Kuru" was rumoured to exist in Singapore in the 1960s.

Now, I encountered an equivalent case of "Kuru" in the animal kingdom and after nearly 4 decades of practice. This cat fell four storeys and had 3 wounds in his backside. No penis was visible at all. Maybe it was inside one of the holes. However, I operated to create a new hole as the urine was diverted into one hole and then into the thigh fascia and muscle areas.

So, was this a case of "Kuru" or not? I have some pictures to show readers. The only time I could barely see the penis was when the cat suddenly peed during my review before going home on the day of surgery. He just shot out his full bladder's urine, missing me by a few cm as I swerved. I grabbed my camera, switched it on and managed to capture a photograph for readers to see. Certainly, this cat could pee normally but he appeared to have "Kuru". In any case, the owners were happy with his newly created urinary hole and he no longer urine-stained his backside.

1 comment:

Away From Our Heritage Admin said...

this is not medically possible. this is what is referred to as an old wive's tale...a myth handed down thru generations. if this had been true, the cases of men loses their male bits due to eating pork would be very common and you would hear of it quite frequently, with sufficient medical proof as well. the fact is, nothing short of having it sliced off with a knife will cause a man's thinger (or lun as we say in punjabi) to come off. it is, however, a hilarious story.